
Answer of Dermatopathology Case 87

Angiokeratoma Visit: Dermatopathology site Visit: Pathology of Angiokeratoma Abstract: Angiokeratoma: a cutaneous marker of Fabry's disease. Clin Exp Dermatol. 2010 Jul;35(5):505-8. Epub 2009 Oct 19. The initial symptoms of Fabry's disease (FD) may seem harmless and may delay its diagnosis. A survey and screening for FD were performed on men with biopsy-proven angiokeratoma and some of their relatives (n = 29). Three patients were identified. Dermatologists should be aware of this prominent early feature and investigate unexplained cutaneous vascular lesions to detect FD. Solitary angiokeratoma of the tongue in adults. Rom J Morphol Embryol.2010;51 (4):771-3. Angiokeratomas are vascular malformations that usually appear as multiple or solitary cutaneous plaques. Several clinical variants have been described, with the same underlying histopathological lesion. Mucosal involvement, including the oral cavity, is occasionally found either as a component of the systemic variety, call...

Dermatopathology Case 87

Image1 Image2 Image3 Image4 Case 87 Skin biopsy- Images for spot diagnosis? Diagnosis

Answer of Dermatopathology Case 86

Pilar Sheath Acanthoma Visit: Dermatopathology site Visit: Pathology of Pilar Sheath Acanthoma Abstract: Pilar sheath acanthoma--report of a case with review of the literature.Yonsei Med J.1989 Dec;30(4):392-5. A 52-year-old male presented with a solitary asymptomatic, skin-colored nodule with a central pore on the skin of the left cheek of one year duration. An excisional biopsy was performed. The skin biopsy finding showed the typical histological picture of pilar sheath acanthoma. A description of the lesion and a review of the literature are given. Pilar sheath acanthoma - a benign follicular hamartoma.Dermatologica. 1983;167(6):335-8. A new case of pilar sheath acanthoma is reported. This tumor has been identified in 1978 and shows characteristic histological features: a central sinus with keratinous material, a pore-like opening to the surface, keratinization of the epidermoid type and projecting epithelial tumor lobes containing small keratin cysts resembling incomplete pilar ...

Dermatopathology Case 86

Image1 Image2 Image3 Image4 Case 86 A 58 year old male with a skin-coloured nodule on the upper lip. The lesion is 1.5 cm in diameter and has a central pore-like opening plugged with keratin. Diagnosis

Answer of Dermatopathology Case 85

Graft-Versus-Host Disease Visit: Dermatopathology site Visit: Cutaneous Lesions in Graft versus Host Disease Abstract: Clinicopathologic characteristics of cutaneous chronic graft-versus-host diseases: a retrospective study in Korean patients. Int J Dermatol. 2010 Dec;49(12):1386-92. BACKGROUND: Chronic graft-versus-host disease (cGVHD) is a major complication in long-term survivors of hematopoietic stem cell transplantation (HSCT). Cutaneous manifestations are frequently the presenting features; therefore, the dermatologist needs to be aware of the wide spectrum of cutaneous cGVHD. METHODS: We retrospectively evaluated patients' characteristics, clinical, and histological features of cutaneous cGVHD and analyzed factors influencing the severity of cutaneous cGVHD in 100 Korean HSCT recipients between January 1, 1995, and December 31, 2007. RESULTS: Clinical manifestations of cutaneous cGVHD mainly presented as lichenoid (60.0%), sclerodermoid (12.0%), or erythematous maculopapul...