Answer of Dermatopathology Case 115
Focal Mucinosis
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Discrete papular dermal mucinosis with Hashimoto thyroiditis: a case report. Cutis. 2011 Mar;87(3):143-5.
The cutaneous focal mucinoses are a group of connective tissue disorders characterized by deposition of mucin found either focally or diffusely in the dermis. A 47-year-old woman presented with asymptomatic flesh-colored papules on the neck, inguinal area, intergluteal area, vulvar area, and extremities of 5 months' duration. There was no history of preceding trauma or insect bites. The patient had undergone a subtotal thyroidectomy 21 years prior but had not used any thyroid medication before she was referred to our clinic. Thyroid ultrasonography was consistent with Hashimoto thyroiditis. During dermatologic examination, flesh-colored, well-defined, smooth papules that measured approximately 1.5 x 1 cm in size on the genital region, fingers, face, and scalp were seen. Histopathologic examination of a lesional biopsy revealed no abnormalities in the epidermis. Alcian blue staining showed that abundant deposits of dermal mucin had replaced collagen in the dermis.
Cutaneous focal mucinosis causing follicular induction of the epidermis.Am J Dermatopathol. 2009 Jul;31(5):462-4.
Cutaneous focal mucinosis has been rarely reported in association with follicular induction of the epidermis. We present 2 cases of focal mucinosis with follicular induction and describe the histopathologic findings to create awareness of this association and to prevent confusion with other diagnoses such as dermatofibroma with follicular induction or superficial basal cell carcinoma.
Oral focal mucinosis associated with cervical external root resorption: a case report.Oral Surg Oral Med Oral Pathol Oral Radiol Endod. 2010 Oct;110(4):e75-8. Epub 2010 Jul 31.
Oral focal mucinosis (OFM) and cervical external root resorption are both rare lesions with an unknown etiology. In this article we report on a rare occurrence of OFM associated with cervical external root resorption.
A 44-year-old female patient presented with sharp pain while drinking cold beverages and a firm localized gingival overgrowth adjacent to the buccal aspect of tooth #19. An excisional biopsy of the gingival lesion was taken and a deep cavity was found in the buccal aspect of the root. The cavity was restored with an amalgam filling.
The histological findings were of a well-circumscribed lesion composed of myxomatous connective tissue, which contained numerous stellate-shaped fibroblasts. Based on the findings, a diagnosis of OFM was made.
A rare case of OFM and cervical external root resorption occurring in the same site was described. A possible link between these 2 phenomena was hypothesized.
Visit: Dermatopathology Site
Discrete papular dermal mucinosis with Hashimoto thyroiditis: a case report. Cutis. 2011 Mar;87(3):143-5.
The cutaneous focal mucinoses are a group of connective tissue disorders characterized by deposition of mucin found either focally or diffusely in the dermis. A 47-year-old woman presented with asymptomatic flesh-colored papules on the neck, inguinal area, intergluteal area, vulvar area, and extremities of 5 months' duration. There was no history of preceding trauma or insect bites. The patient had undergone a subtotal thyroidectomy 21 years prior but had not used any thyroid medication before she was referred to our clinic. Thyroid ultrasonography was consistent with Hashimoto thyroiditis. During dermatologic examination, flesh-colored, well-defined, smooth papules that measured approximately 1.5 x 1 cm in size on the genital region, fingers, face, and scalp were seen. Histopathologic examination of a lesional biopsy revealed no abnormalities in the epidermis. Alcian blue staining showed that abundant deposits of dermal mucin had replaced collagen in the dermis.
Cutaneous focal mucinosis causing follicular induction of the epidermis.Am J Dermatopathol. 2009 Jul;31(5):462-4.
Cutaneous focal mucinosis has been rarely reported in association with follicular induction of the epidermis. We present 2 cases of focal mucinosis with follicular induction and describe the histopathologic findings to create awareness of this association and to prevent confusion with other diagnoses such as dermatofibroma with follicular induction or superficial basal cell carcinoma.
Oral focal mucinosis associated with cervical external root resorption: a case report.Oral Surg Oral Med Oral Pathol Oral Radiol Endod. 2010 Oct;110(4):e75-8. Epub 2010 Jul 31.
Oral focal mucinosis (OFM) and cervical external root resorption are both rare lesions with an unknown etiology. In this article we report on a rare occurrence of OFM associated with cervical external root resorption.
A 44-year-old female patient presented with sharp pain while drinking cold beverages and a firm localized gingival overgrowth adjacent to the buccal aspect of tooth #19. An excisional biopsy of the gingival lesion was taken and a deep cavity was found in the buccal aspect of the root. The cavity was restored with an amalgam filling.
The histological findings were of a well-circumscribed lesion composed of myxomatous connective tissue, which contained numerous stellate-shaped fibroblasts. Based on the findings, a diagnosis of OFM was made.
A rare case of OFM and cervical external root resorption occurring in the same site was described. A possible link between these 2 phenomena was hypothesized.
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