
Dermatopathology Case 61

Image1 Image2 Image3 Image4 Case 61 A 45 year old male with a violaceous central papule surrounded by an area of pallor and a brown ring. Answer

Answer of Dermatopathology Case 60

Spitz Nevus Visit: Dermatopathology site Visit: Pathology of Spitz Nevus The spitz nevus: review and update.Clin Plast Surg.2010 Jan;37(1):21-33. The Spitz nevus is a relatively common skin lesion in children and is less commonly seen in adults. The lesion is defined by the presence of distinctive-appearing spindle or epithelioid cells on light microscopy in a recognizable nevus-like pattern. Spitz lesions share features with melanoma on light microscopic examination. When Spitz features are atypical or typical features are absent, distinction from melanoma can be difficult. A spectrum of pathology of Spitz lesions can be found from lesions that are benign and typical to lesions that are atypical with melanoma-like features and frank melanoma. There is significant interobserver variation in interpretation of Spitz lesions. The lack of uniformly applied criteria for distinction of light microscopic grades and the confusion in diagnostic terminology demonstrate the difficulty in the pat

Dermatopathology Case 60

Image1 Image2 Image3 Case 60 A pink coloured papule on the left lower limb of a 19 year old boy. Answer

Answer of Dermatopathology Case 59

Pigmented Spindle Cell Nevus of Reed. Visit: Dermatopathology site Visit: Pigmented Spindle Cell Nevus (Reed Nevus) Abstract Hypopigmented Reed nevus.J Cutan Pathol. 2008 Oct;35 Suppl 1:87-9. Epub 2008 Jun 28. Reed nevus, also named pigmented spindle cell nevus, is a peculiar melanocytic nevus, now regarded as a variant of Spitz nevus by the majority of authors. It is characterized by spindle-shaped melanocytes disposed in nests located in epidermis and papillary dermis. It is usually heavily pigmented, and many melanophages may also be present. Hypopigmented Reed nevus shows all the typical features of conventional pigmented spindle cell nevus, but it does not contain abundant melanin. This variant of Reed nevus is poorly described in literature, so we report five cases of hypopigmented Reed nevus and discuss its clinical and histopathological features. Epithelioid and hyperpigmented melanocytic tumors. An overview. Pathologe. 2007 Nov;28(6):411-21. Spindle cell and epithelioid cell d

Dermatopathology Case 59

Image1 Image2 Image3 Image 4 Case 59 A 20year old female with a well circumscribed deeply pigmented papule on the left thigh. Answer