
Answer of Dermatopathology Case 17

Fordyce's Spot (Ectopic sebaceous glands) Visit: Fordyce's Spot ; Visit: Dermatopathology site Abstract: Treatment of Fordyce spots with CO2 laser.Dermatol Surg. 2003 Aug;29(8):869-71. BACKGROUND: Fordyce spots are heterotopic sebaceous glands that can be located at the lips' vermilion or the oral mucosa. Although this is considered a rathercommon disorder, a treatment for this condition that sometimes affects patientsfrom only a cosmetic viewpoint has not yet been described. OBJECTIVE: To evaluateCO2 superpulsed laser treatment in two subjects with Fordyce spots. METHODS: Two patients with papules and yellowish plaques at the upper lip corresponding to Fordyce spots were treated with coherent Ambulase CO2 superpulsed laser (CoherentMedical, Palo Alto, CA) ; after informed consent was obtained, two to three passeswere performed in one session using 2 and 4 W and a spot size of 2 mm. RESULTS:Complete re-epithelization was observed 2 weeks later with no residual Fordyce papu...

Dermatopathology Case 17

Image1 Image2 Image3 Case 17 A 58 year old male with clusters of yellowish spots (2 mm in diameter) on the upper lip. Biopsy of the yellowish spot. Answer

Answer of Dermatopathology Case 16

Trichilemmoma Visit: Pathology of Trichilemmoma Visit: Dermatopathology site Abstract: Atypical clinical appearance and localization of trichilemmoma. a case report. Pathologica. 2009 Jun;101(3):133-4. Trichilemmoma is a benign cutaneous tumor that shows characteristics of differentiation similar to the outer hair sheath. We report the case of a woman presenting with a nodular tender mass of the back that was diagnosed as anisolated trichilemmoma. Several lines of evidence suggest that trichilemmoma should be considered in the differential diagnosis of any indistinct facialpapule. This report documents a non-facial example of trichilemmoma. Atypical clinical appearance and localization of this neoplasm in our patient suggest thatonly histological findings are specific of this tumor. Detection of Human Papillomavirus infection in trichilemmomas and verrucae using in situ hybridization. J Cutan Pathol. 2009 Background: It is hypothesized that trichilemmomas are 'burned out' verru...

Dermatopathology Case 16

Image 1 Image2 Image3 Image4 Case 16 A solitary, dome-shaped flesh coloured papule on the face of a 50 year old female. Answer

Answer of Dermatopathology Case 15

Cylindroma Visit: Pathology of Cylindroma Visit: Dermatopathology site Abstract: Cylindroma of the breast: a case report and review of the literature. Diagn Pathol. 2009 Sep 2;4:30. ABSTRACT: Cylindroma of the breast is a very rare lesion which is morphologicaland immunophenotypically identical to benign dermal cylindroma. We report a breast cylindroma in a previously healthy 62 year old female detected through anational breast screening program. The patient had no significant family or past medical history, and specifically no history of breast or skin diseases. The tumor consisted of well circumscribed islands of epithelial cells surrounded by adense membrane material, and focally containing hyaline globules. At low power the islands of tumour cells formed a "jig-saw" pattern, which is typical of cylindroma, but was present within normal breast parenchyma and no had directconnection with the overlying skin. Two distinct cell populations, smaller peripheral basaloid cells an...