
Dermatopathology Case 202

45-year-old female who presented with a slow-growing painless swelling over the back of the thigh that had been present for 4 years.                 Answer    

Dermatopathology Case 201

A 40 year old female with a cystic lesion on right lower eyelid.            Answer                    

Dermatopathology Case 200

25 year-old female who presented with a  9 month history of a left foot mass. It started as a small nodule that progressively increased in size over time. The mass then became ulcerative with foul-smelling discharge. Immunohistochemistry- Positive against the following markers: S-100, HMB45, Melan A, and Bcl2 Negative staining for cytokeratin, epithelial membrane antigen, smooth muscle actin , Desmin, CD34, CD56, Myogenin, and CD57 markers was also observed.                     Answer

Dermatopathology Case 199

A 55 year old man presented with a right scapular slow-growing tumour. The physical examination revealed a subcutaneous painless mass measuring 10 cm in diameter.     Answer

Dermatopathology Case 198

 Scalp lesion      Answer