
Dermatopathology Case 159

  A 45 year old female with a gradually increasing nodule on the auricle for one year. On examination, there was a soft, protruding, solitary mass, 1.5×1.0 cm in size.               Answer      

Dermatopathology Case 158

A 65 year old woman. A painless firm nodular lesion on the right waist evolving for about a year with good general condition. Examination revealed a solitary, yellowish, firm nodule, with shiny lobulated surface, and regular border, of 2–3 cm in diameter.     Answer

Dermatopathology Case 157

A dome shaped lesion on the forehead of a 55 year old woman.             Answer    

Dermatopathology Case 156

Extremely itchy blisters on the elbow of a 35 year old male. Patient has a history of celiac disease.       Answer

Dermatopathology Case 155

Nodular swelling on right thigh for six months with rapid increase in size. Skin covered pigmented nodular growth measuring 4.5 x 2 x 1.5 cm  Cut surface - grey brown to tan in appearance with focal areas of haemorrhage.   Answer