
Dermatopathology Case 135

Image1  Image2  Image3  Image4 Dermatopathology Quiz Case 135 : A dark brown papule on the upper arm of a 10 year old girl. Diagnosis:

Dermatopathology Case 134

Image1 Image2  Image3 Dermatopathology Quiz Case 134 -   A greyish brown  macule on the back of a 40 year old man. The lesion is 6mm in diameter and has an irregular fuzzy border. Diagnosis:

Dermatopathology Case 133

Image1  Image2  Image3  Image4 Dermatopathology Quiz Case 133 -   A painful scalp nodule in a 54 year old female. Diagnosis:

Dermatopathology Case 132

 Image I  Image2   Image3 Dermatopathology Quiz Case 132 : A 62 year old lady with a solitary brownish plaque on the face (2.5cm) in diameter. Diagnosis

Dermatopathology Case 131

 Image1  Image2  Image3  Image4 Case 131  A firm nodule on the left arm of a 54 year old male. Diagnosis